
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What matters is your confidence (Oral reflection)

[Wow, I actually missed the deadline for this blog, because I thought that there 's only one left :( Hope everyone still read it :D ]

Individual reflection

I believe that as students in NUS, we have already experienced oral presentation, or at least had a chance to stand in front of a group and talk about something. I have going through a few, but this presentation is really something special, since it's a presentation that I never have thought about.

Previously, all the presentation that I have joined was those that I am confident about, or at least have a big interest in. However, for the topic that we chose, I was having a lot of doubt about it at the beginning, to be honest. It was because of the past experience in working on environmental-related project that shows me how hard it is to implement such an idea. Hence, even when I am working on the proposal and a few days before the presentation, I was going back and forth the idea, think how should I convince the others if I can even believe in it.

However, the weekend before it, I talked that over with one of my friend, who is doing a campaign about recylcing. And it was that talked that reassured me, as she told me that all the "green" ideas are actually not-at-all feasible, unless you believe in it. For example, if you don't believe that people are going to recycle, you  are not going to facilitate them with proper recycling bins and thus, lose a chance to get them recycle waste. Moreover, if you don't believe in the idea of recycling, there 's a high chance that you won't do it yourself, which is worse. After that, we talked more about the technical part of the proposal, which aided my a lot during the Q&A session.

During my presentation, I have made several "silly" things, for example, touching my hair; forgot to look at everyone and focus on Ms.Lim instead; looking up & closing my eyes when I was thinking; not smiling much...etc and I was nervous when it was about my turn to present also. These are things that I have been trying to improve and perhaps haven't archived by talking this class. However, I will just try again, until it's done.

I think that I was able to do quite well in the Q&A sessions, because I made myself believe in what I am presenting about. And perhaps that is the most important thing about a presentation. In reality, it's not that easy to present flawlessly, I believe that as long as you have confidence in what you talk and equip yourself with presentation skill knowledge (you needn't do it correctly all the time, just whenever you remember is okay), you can make a good presentation.


I am quite glad for the efforts my team have made. As my usual routine, I started off the wiki first, then the proposal as well as the slides. But after a while, I started to slack off a bit, to be honest. Then there was NOC interviews, work for NUSSU Welfare and Vietnamese Community as well as my projects and so call "promise" with my prof to help him write something. There was a week that i didn't bother to check my email and thus, the proposal. So I am very glad that Shawn and LiSu helped completing it.

I was rather pleased about our slides. Though I still think that is missing something (compared to the slides that I have seen), it might just a nameless worries because many others said that it was nice :D
For me, I really want to make slides design like these, but I have to admit that I don't have that kind of talent :D

Our presentation went well. Shawn's intro was interesting and caught the audience attention, and LiSu left the audience with laughter, which makes them remember us. And it was because of their part went smoothly that I could start smoothly, too.

Overall, I am glad that I have a good time in my team, and I am grateful for having Shawn & LiSu as my teamates :D

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark,

    Firstly I would like to congratulate you on making an awesome presentation. I really liked the choice of your topic. Personally, it was quite difficult for me to come up with a proposal topic in the context of Singapore. Your topic seems o relevant and useful, something which can actually bring about a change.

    Secondly, do not worry about the small mistakes you made. At least I did not notice any of them. I guess I was too involved in the content of the presentation, which seemed really interesting. Also, a special mention for your slides: they were so different, and caught the audience's attention aptly.

    I believe that a presentation is not of much use if it does not leave the audience thinking. Yours did.

