
About me

Hi, my name is Tống Hữu Khiêm (please call me Mark if you can't read Vietnamese :) ). Currently, I am studying in National University of Singapore, majoring in Computer Engineering.

Ever since I started school, my batch has been the "testing" batch for some new program, and the tradition continues here in NUS. As we are the 1st batch of the new multi-disciplinary program. That's brings a lot of challenges, as we are venturing into unknown water, but it's also exciting at the same time.

Below are some of my best moment studying with the last one and a half year

CS2103 - Project presentation.
Working with new friends and great people :)

Social Robotics Lab- The next big thing might start here.
My old supervisor is also a nice instructor ^_^

Prof. John-John, and friends in our visit
Great technology is costly, like that 5-million seal robot
CG1108 - Race car competition
Studying is supposed to be fun :D
Though I am practically "camping" in school these days, life is never fun with just study. That's why I enjoy working on other stuffs @ free time, like NUSSU SAVE, NUSSU Welfare... and helping out CEG, Vietnamese freshmen. But firstly I enjoy writing (blogging, recently), as well taking good photos to illustrate those stories. Sometimes, I let my mind wonder out of technical things and do a bit of drawing, also :)

Teamwork workshop with Facilitators@NUS
Our Vietnamese Community's Welfare Team

Organizing orientation camp for freshies
I also played as game master

Taken during CEG clinic session :)

My friends and our freshmen group - Hunters